Sunday 11 November 2018

True Fact about Digital marketing Institute

Hello friends, My name is Danny and I'm working at Zoferty Infotech Pvt Ltd as Digital Marketing Executive.

I have shared my real experience with you to aware all of you about Digital Marketing now a days.

Grab this opportunity to get massive success in your career.

Be a smart Learner..

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Thursday 25 October 2018

Future scope as career in Digital Marketing

Isn’t it the newest thing in our area?
Internet has driven all of us crazy. And yes it is fact of today’s generation. Few years back the hot topic was TV serials gossip and today new post on social media, trending video on YouTube etc. why this happened because of choice and preference of user. In today’s world we are shifting from traditional way to digital world. Its feels like revolution within the society.

The Scope of Digital Marketing Jobs in India

As you can see it from screenshot itself, there are thousands of jobs opening in today’s date, 26/10/2018. Digital marketing is highest growing industry in the world currently and its booming in India as well.  As the industry is at a boom, that’s why there are many job opportunities and new companies starting up in every corner.
Digital era has just begun it’s having great scope in future as a career with highest paid salaries than other jobs in industry. This sector is going up and up only from last few years and as per the experts say it will go on the top of all industries in the world due to revolution in technology and approach of peoples toward digital marketing.
Not only in India but also all over the world this industry is on its acceleration.

Digital marketing scope in overseas

In the United States Digital marketing has a broad scope. It is most powerful country in the world cause of its technological advancement.  Digital Marketing is already well know in the USA and that why it is leading country in digital marketing.
If we see at Dubai its already ahead in technological aspects. Many companies in Dubai are going digitally so there are well amount of job opportunities. This can show us they have good number of jobs so it is remarkable scope in digital marketing.

In Canada there is hug number mass and good number of digital marketing job opportunities. There are many jobs available daily basis.

Salary growth in Digital Marketing 

This number can show us only entry level salaries of digital marketing different job titles.
Digital marketing is the only industry where you can get 40% of salary hike within experience of 2/3 years in any organisation.

Career growth in Digital Marketing


 Here is graph of annual salary in Lacs with the career growth path of Digital Marketing Professional.
You can see growing graph of salary and career also. As for career Digital marketing is only industry having high career growth in such a short time of span. Stating from Digital Marketing executive to chief Digital officer and VP- Digital Marketing it goes higher.


As per my best knowledge I can say that Digital Marketing is the best career choice for everyone with the handsome salary.
Learn digital Marketing from Zoffr learning and shine your future.

Friday 12 October 2018

Content Marketing Vs. Blog

Content Marketing vs. Blog

Content Marketing vs. Blog are they different?

Yes, There Is a Difference between Content Marketing and Blogging

Actually content marketing and blogging are two different term in point of view of customer and the company who sale there product.
Content Marketing:
Content marking can be say as it is to describe product or services in point of view of company or service provider of particular services to attract or give information about the product or services to customers.
In content marketing it includes content marketing goal, including white papers, videos and eBooks, email newsletters, social media, and yes, blogging. Each one gives its own purpose in the big content marketing-scheme, but they all use to the end goal of making trust with your customers.
In blogging we can write about product and services to describe in point of view of customer. How they can describe their experience about particular services or the product.
Blogging, we can say it involves posting regular content to a specific site and is updated regularly to keep that website fresh. Blog content is always finding the most recent content first. The goal here is to communicate with your customers, whether you’re promoting a product or service, giving valuable knowledge to your users.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Digital Marketing Dominating Traditional Marketing

How Digital Marketing Dominating Traditional Marketing this days and in future!

Digital Marketing is continuously growing over Traditional Marketing these days.
Marketers are allocating higher budgets for Digital. Of course, the charm of Traditional Marketing persists, but here’s why going Digital is so clearly beneficial:

1. Easy and  Accurate

It is relatively easier for small businesses to do digital campaigns andpromotions. They would only require help from an expert once they need customer segmentation and customization. Which brings us to how precise it is – you can communicate directly with the right person (target audience demographics) at the right time (when they are nearby) through the right medium (smartphone/social media) with an appealing marketing campaign which is sure to catch their interests.

2. Easy to Measure

Every digital marketing campaign in the online space can be monitored and tracked with respect to multiple metrics. You can know exactly how many people from which area clicked on your ad using a certain type of device during a period of time. Your ROI on your digital spends can be tracked clearly so you know where every penny goes.

3. Mobile Phones and Social Media Use

Rapidly increase in Mobile Phone usage has led to an extreme drive into the digital space. This combined with the amount of time a person spends on social media on their smartphone has ensured that the right communication reaches the right person at the right time. Now, add to this the miracle that is Re-marketing Capability and Suggestive Ads, Digital Marketing is a benefit to marketers.

Traditional Marketing now seems demanding as your target audience is needed to be present at a certain place at a certain time to receive your communication; it seems like too much of a gamble. So, if you’re not doing it yet, it is about time you went extensively digital so you can stay on top of the market.


It’s been quite a while since the debate of traditional marketing vs. digital marketing has been going on. Although both have their own perks, it can be tough to choose one.
Marketing is an indispensable part of any business which one cannot ignore. A wise and visionary entrepreneur will ensure setting a part of the budget for marketing efforts alone. However, it is an era where a large portion of people make online transactions, another chunk of the population doesn’t even know how to use internet. This makes it highly difficult for the entrepreneur to decide which aspect of brand marketing to concentrate on; digital marketing or traditional marketing.

What is traditional marketing?

Traditional marketing refers to the conventional methods of marketing used ever since the concept of advertisements or marketing came into existence. This primarily includes the following modes for brand promotion:

  • Newspaper
  • Flyers
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Billboard advertising along roads and highways
  • Magazine ads

What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is the new age marketing method of the global realm. With internet finding its application and benefit in every aspect of life, marketing too has managed to not only create awareness or promote brands through it, but also give them a global platform to reach a wider customer base. It includes the following:

  • Business networking sites such as LinkedIn
  • Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
  • Email marketing
  • Paid pop-up ads
  • Blogs
  • Click baiting URLs for viral content marketing

Although all the marketing techniques used in digital marketing appear similar, online marketing is a far more versatile mode of marketing than conventional one.

Benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing
Traditional marketing has its own advantages but there is no doubt that internet marketing has set a revolution ablaze. It has some clear winning benefits over traditional marketing and some of those are mentioned below.

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