Saturday 27 July 2019

How do we earn money by Digital Marketing?

How do we earn money by Digital Marketing?

There are many ways to earn money by using digital marketing skills and technics. In digital marketing, there are many topics or types like SEO, SEM, SMM, email marketing and many more. Digital marketing is having n number of opportunities for earning as it may be for full time, part-time, freelance basis, online work from wherever you are and such. I will be explaining some of them here but first of all, you need to learn digital marketing skills that you can learn by online or offline from
Here are the top 5 ways to earn money by using Digital Marketing Skills yes skills this is the skills you will be having for your life and you can use these skills to earn money in many ways.
1. YouTube Video Marketing
2. Blogging
3. Affiliate Marketing
4. Social Media Marketing
5. Content Marketing

1.    YouTube Video Marketing

YouTube is a booming video sharing platform nowadays. It’s very simple to use YouTube for viewers and for creators also.  If you are a creator and want to how to make money on YouTube channel you are at the right place. You are a creator? You can make your videos and you can post it on the YouTube channel. Many people are earning a lot more money just from YouTube.  All you have to be is famous. You need to have huge and strong subscribers, huge numbers of views on the video, as many as shares, likes and comments your videos and channels.  For views and to gain subscriber you can post a video on various platforms on social media and other sites on the internet.

2.    Blogging

Blogging is an effective medium to get famous, to engage the audience by your creative ideas and content. You can start writing about your passion, your hobbies, interest. There are many blogging websites on the internet that allows you to post a blog with easy use and eye-catchy so that it can attract more viewer to your blog. You can easily earn revenue by Ads. For bogging you can use Google absence or you can put any other ads which will pay you for clicks. Once you get famous you might be getting offers like sponsorship and to write blog for some company or organization. So select your favorite thing that you like to do and start blogging.

3.    Affiliate Marketing
Looking for a best, fast and easy way to make money online? Step into affiliate marketing. This is a marketing model gives you a commission for consumers you refer. Some websites pay you commissions or affiliate fees for referring them to a customer. This is one of the oldest types of digital marketing which is based on the importance of someone's suggestions. Affiliate marketing is based on one to one recommendation that is if you recommend a product to service to your friend and then they use the link given by you to buy that product or service, then you would gain a percentage out of that deal. So have a happy affiliate marketing.

4.    Social Media Marketing   

As you are knowing there are thousands of social media platforms available all over the internet. So you can easily target some most popular and having more audience on it. Utilizing social media properly for the promotion and sale of products or services on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for digital marketing can also help to earn money. Using data analytical tools you can build ads marketing campaigns in social media with like-minded groups to promote any services or products or use it for branding ideas.

5.    Content Marketing

If you think you have strong and fluent communication skills and vocabulary and you are good at content then you should definitely use this way to get your work done of earning money online.
There are many companies or brands that needs content so they are always in search of content writer. You can provide them content as per there need and you can fill your pockets using your skills. In content marketing you can charge per page or per word.

Saturday 13 July 2019

Top 5 places to visit in Mumbai in monsoon

Top 5 places to visit in Mumbai in monsoon

Mumbai - City of Dreams. There are many people visit Mumbai to make their career, to become rich, to be famous, to be popular to earn money, to do job and many more things.
Life of Mumbai is very busy and non-stop. Everyone is trying to do get something from this city. So this monsoon let’s have a short break from your busy life and explore city and fill your eyes with amazing beauty of the city called “Aamchi Mumbai”.
Here are some famous point you should visit during this rainy season. You will definitely mesmerize by its beauty.
 Let’s start from very famous spot in Mumbai that is

1.    Marine Drive

Almost like with Mumbai itself, Marine Drive is the place to hit during monsoon. There are many Bollywood movies shown the famous place also known as Queen’s Necklace by the time of the British ruler. In the monsoon, the place is full of waves hitting to cost and bizarre of raindrops. But be aware when its high tide it may be some feet big so it's better to see it when its low tide.

2.    Bandra Bandstand

It’s located on the west side of Bandra and a little far from the Railway station. There are some colleges near to Bandstand so the place is always filled up with couples and Bhel wala bhaiya selling them bhel. In the rainy season, you will get Bhutta to have after enjoying in the Arabian Sea and Rain. You can enjoy the waves of sea and rain by seating on rocks with your family or friends or alone also.

3.    Gateway of India

This heritage building stands high in its glory as the rains pour over it. Though it never loses to mesmerize all-round the year, the high tides while monsoons splashing over it and everything nearby has an engaging beauty of its own. Like a walk along the seams or enjoy the view with a nice cup of coffee or tea.

4.    Powai Lake

Enclosed by hills, Powai Lake is a man-made lake in the northern suburb of the Mumbai city. Having greenery and ample flora and fauna, it is an excellent place to visit in Mumbai during Monsoon for a peaceful walk in the rain. There are boats too that take you on a ride; but not in heavy rain. The scenery is quite calming from the middle of the lake. Likewise, you can chill with friends and family at the Powai Lake Garden and have some hot snacks to enjoy the Mumbai rain.

5.    Kanheri Caves

A cluster of old Buddhist caves might not specifically be your idea of a monsoon trip. Though, these caves located in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park are located in a hilly region that needs a good climb. Add to that, the natural surroundings, the clacking of birds, the emitting noise of the streams and you’ve for yourself the ideal trekking spot right in the heart of the city. For the history lover, the caves are a plus point to visit.

There are many more places near to Mumbai that can be your one day trekking or picnic spots you can also hit that. So enjoy your monsoon in the City of Dreams.